Thursday, April 19, 2007

Next Wed Class April 25

This is an email that was sent out by Gwen to the class on Thursday afternoon. She expressed some concerns in the email about not all of us getting the email so I'm posting it in the blog.

Hello all,

Brian Ralph will be substituting for Dan Krall next Wednesday, April 25th in your Illustration II class. Due to a family emergency, Dan will not be in class next week.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Also, make sure to share this information with your classmates. Some of your email addresses will not accept this email from me due to it being categorized as "Spam." Please make sure you all communicate with one another re: this situation so that there is no miscommunication about class next week and what you should bring with you to class next Wednesday.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Chris - Space 2

The 3 of Hearts and The Ace of Spades

Pardon Our Dust...

Chris - Space

The King and Queen

To Be Continued...

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Color ideas for stuff and mostly final drawings except for the number card. The leaves and things that will be connecting the face card images will be a similar color to those on the back of the card and will fade in and out of the face cards...if that makes sense?

im really really bad with technology

so, my idea is serial killers. i decided not to go with ruthless rulers because this one interests me more and i am having more fun with it. the cards are jeffrey dahmer-king, david berkowitz-ace, ted bundy-jack, john wayne gacy-joker, and lizzy borden-queen. the back is going to be black and white pictures of the victims....maybe. the # cards are blood splatters. 2 splatters for 2 of hearts. i lost my illustration sketchbook (if you find it, please let me know. its got my name in there somewhere) but i have the sketches i did since then. im not sure what to do for berkowitz. i know im gonna put a dog in there somewhere. maybe a gun with the barrel turning into a dogs head. these are just pictures to give you the basic idea of what im doing. im not as far as some in the class, sadly. sorry for that. im thinking that colorwise, i just want some transparent red and blue splatters on the figures. but mostly it will just be b&w line. so there it is! input, opinions, suggestions please.

-danny baskin

George Livingston

Here's what I've got started so far for the color... the finals will be more defined, but these should give an idea of the general approach.

kerry cesen

so this is what i'm rolling with as of now...for color i'm going to stick with the palette in my earlier sketches, and for the back of the card i was considering doing the portion of the sundial in the corner (in my earlier sketches also). Let me know what might make them better


suits and animals representative of the elements now. these are just the idea i have for the palettes, mostly just the midtones. theyll be very lightly rendered, like this: illustration. the shapes around most of the cards will change, im thinking hard on them, theyll probably be organic hand painted shapes and the backgrounds will have things in them, but very simple things, also like that illustration, they wont be totally flat. and im still thinking about the text but i like this one quite a bit. about the lizard man, im not sure if putting two bodies behind him would be overkill, i kind of like him there just holding his little hearts, im thinking just environmental.



sorry about your dad dan,
have you called jose yet????


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dunno if anyone checks this blog on the off days, but I was hoping for any thoughts on these. (sorry I'm still so noncommital to this assignment!)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Final drawings and 3/7 digital comps

Man, I really need to start painting. Not sure if I'm going to keep the borders the way they are or tweak them or add some runes or something. I don't even know what I'm doing. I think I went colorblind during the Thor comp, because it looks pretty wacky from here. Valkyrie's going to be tweaked a bit, too. That red's not doing it for me. The Joker did end up being Loki cutting off Sif's hair. Alright.

Hope your dad's well, Dan.

Emergency Sorry!

My Dad was just taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. I need to go to Pennsylvania right away! This means I might not get to do your comments tonight. I PROMISE I will get to them as soon as I possibly can.


Monday, April 9, 2007


hello, this is sofya. i am sorry for my absence last class. i have not received a response to my email, and i just wanted to know what the new assignment is. please send me an email at so that i can catch up. thank you!

gunsmo returns

for some reason i couldn't get these to upload yesterday.


Sunday, April 8, 2007


Here's my general theme... classical figures, mostly inspired by Waterhouse. I'm trying to make them as dramatic and theatrical as possible, so any suggestions on that would help.
I'll have the rest to show on Wednesday!

Queen of Diamonds

Ace of Hearts

King of Clubs


last semester for illustration one, we had this project that went all year, to fill our sketchbooks with doodles from an imaginary land. mine had these half animal half people in it, so i filled my sketchbook with them. come final time, we only did one final to culminate, so i was dissappointed. i decided to continue with them over into this project. soooooo, thats my theme.

btw, the font used here is temporary. i havent decided on one yet.

king of spades:

this is a chinchillaman. i used more exotic animals than the usual ones heh. so if you dont know what a chinchilla is, you should look them up! anyway, i used the represented birthchart meaning of all the suits in relation to the characters (cool chart). spades on the negative- concerned with power, too focused, and can lose sight of meaning. chinchillaman here has overcome his enclosed habitat to rule, however, he's sort of killed all his subjects in the process. oops!

for the queen of hearts:

peacockqueen is vain,holds grudges, and is emotionally manipulative (hearts suit) and so, in order to remain the most beautiful, she has murdered all the peacocks in the land.
for the jack of diamonds:

diamonds are resourceful. im not sure whether i want to have him in that tree, but if i do im going to zoom in a bit more i think, and shrink that tree.

for the ace of clubs:

i know we were aiming for ace of spades, but the clubs suit fit this better, and he terrifies me the most so i wanted him to be the ace. anyway, clubs are manipulative, and very good at lying.

and for the number card (havent decided the suit yet):

yes, he really does have eight tentacles. i just put my general idea for this card, i think im going to move him around a little and play with it some more.

and for the joker:

molerat man is blind as a bat, so not so ironically he has a fascination with eyes, though more like an obsession really, he likes to collect them. dont ask how he got them. all the eyes are gonna be different types of eyes, like from different animals and stuff, not just normal eyes.

anyway, sorry for posting so late. i had to go home and do the family easter thing.
