Sunday, April 8, 2007


So, for now I have these six sketches...I guess I'm going to use watercolor, or gouache
I'm still thinking about Jack, Ace and Joker. Since mine is generally simple like spot illustration, I thought it will be fun to do all the numbers...maybe not :( I'm planning to put some pattern on the K, Q, J, A, and Joker's background.


Sam Bosma said...

Um, I'm pretty much really into these. Please make them as weird and great as the boy holding the pig from the onomatopoeia assignment.

One thing to think about is the line above or below the numbers that you have right now. Generally, having a line below a number denotes that that is the bottom. So, on the Nine piece, specifically, it looks like you have both a nine and a six. It's a small thing, but it's important.

Are you going to paint these or work digitally?

ill2 said...

these are really fun, and id love to see all the number cards. only if you have time of course, but the balloons and the cupcakes are fun fun fun. maybe im just mathematically disinclined right now, but how does that snow man equal eight?
anyway, nice work!


Daniel Krall said...

Hey Jeansoo,

These are great. I'm really glad you've been able to cut loose and really utilize your personal cartoon language in this class. I love what you have so far (although I agree with Sam's point about the numbers). One thing that sometimes helps me with random quirky scenes like this is to come up with a cast of characters and turn this into a very very simple narrative. You have a boy, a girl, cats, and a snowman. Maybe always use the same boy, and girl, and pretend that's their cat. It could help you keep them tied to the same "world". They have a lot of personality. I can't wait to see how this fleshes out.
