The bard (Joker/entertainer) is telling the story of a battle between four nations.
The Emperor of Diamonds and his holy empire have instigated war on all other nations.
To avoid losing control of his small nation the Prince of Clubs (Jacks use to be princes) has allied his ailing army with the Emperor of Diamonds.
The General-Queen of Spades has brought her fleet of air ships from the north to fight the Diamonds.
The King of Hearts from the east has sent his most trusted spy (an ace) into battle to sabotage the Diamond army.
And here's the crappy back that doesn't look like anything....
I'm playing around with how I work digitally...
The idea of creating a specific story for the deck is pretty neat, and I like a lot of the colors that you have going so far. The continuation of the blue and the yellow look really nice.
You need to get some reference for the figures, though, especially the ones with the more comoplicated poses (joker, jack, and ace, specifically).
Also, don't skimp on detailing the armor. Think about how the body needs to move under all that stuff and there the articulations would be. The Queen's chest-piece wouldn't quite work like that because of the way the body needs to move. Though it looks neat, armor needs to be functional before anything else.
Narrative is cool, and fairly ambitious. But right now I feel these are too generic, like they need more details and more of a personal touch. I know these are just early sketches, but still.
Hi Kathryn!
I'm excited by the narrative element you've got going here. It's really fun and unique in approach! I agree with Sam about the figures and the armour. Look up reference for poses, and try to find some armour from both fantasy and reality based stuff you can learn from. The air-ships are a cool design. I think a really good source for you might be painted battle scenes from the crusades. These could use that medieval method of using the size of the figures in each piece to denote their importance. At any rate, the only thing I have issues with right now is the back of the cards. I think you need to design some sort of crest, or map of the lands, or a battle scene or something. Find some good resources, and get cooking!
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