Sunday, February 4, 2007

Darcey Young

The fist one is for the Hannspree Hannsvaas tv, combined with the xbox 360. The second one is for the uniden gmr1588/2ck 2 way radios. I don't think it really gets the point across... any suggestions?


Kerry Cesen said...

hey darcey, i have a couple suggestions that might help you out a little. i was looking at your piece with the television and xbox and it occured to me that i love the bottom portion just by itself. i think you could use just that part and it would look great. it would definately put more focus on the products and effectively suggest that the people are there by showing their feet. maybe you could even push that idea of body language. the girl could be barefoot, rubbing against his legs, or something. (sounds kinda weird when i'm typing that) anyway, on to your second piece, i think if you brought the walkie talkies away from their ears, they would be a little better defined, and i think you can talk on them and hear when you're holding them away from you, right, could be mistaken. that could change the composition around and maybe solve some problems you were having. i hope this was helpful.

pwogstad said...

sup darcey,
These illustrations look way different than the style you usually work in, and im excited to see how your finals come out. Make sure that the scale is accurate in your nintendo wii illustration because im pretty sure the wii is smaller. good luck. later kid.

ill2 said...

Ok, I'm totally on board with what Kerry is saying about these. Use the bottom half of the top piece and "spice it up". Think a little more about the furniture too. Also what Peter said about the scale of things. The bottom one needs more diagonal shifting. Do something with that tree maybe? Looking good.
