Sunday, February 4, 2007

Microsoft Zune and Casio Exilim Zoom Ex-Z75

here are mine.. the first is for the Microsoft Zune, (they are sharing their music, and you'll be able to see the "sharing screen)
and the second one is for the Casio Exilim Zoom Ex-Z75. I know there are a few issues with the sketch in this one, the arm holding the camera, and that couch and all that.
ink and goauche for the finals.


Sam Bosma said...

I think you've found something really great for the Zune piece, Kate. Just about everything works for me in that one. I feel like the camera piece is a little boring (honestly, though, what else can you do with a camera?), but I think if you render it well enough, it won't matter. The girl's arm/hand holding the camera is proportionately off, and that's a really tough angle to draw the arm from.

fashionillustrationclass said...

Nice work Kate. I agree with Sam's comments on these. What could we do to liven up the camera piece? Hmmmmmm. You could maybe give them a dog or cat who is curiously peeking at them or into the camera's line of sight. You could give them some other sort of props? I'm not sure. I think it's a 9 on a scale of 1-10, but it could easily be perfect with some tweakage.


ill2 said...

i agree, the first piece is especially nice. its really beautiful because the snowflakes are all glowy-like. i dont know if you are planning on doing that later on, but it's a really nice and very romantic effect. i think that feeling is missing from the second piece, so maybe try to get that going in the camera piece.