Sunday, February 25, 2007

These are some sounds I like

Its a little known fact that dinosaurs actually breathed fire. also, I'm sorry the full page sketch looks so crappy. So... yes.


Sam Bosma said...

That's ridiculous.

Everybody knows Dinosaurs breathe fire and have laser vision. It's science.

Furthermore, I think you should edit the Ooze piece and have the sound as the person falling down the stairs. My rationale for this is that all three of your sounds are very liquidy and have a similar sensibility to them because of that. I am very partial to people who, for one reason or another, end up with cephalopods on their heads. Florble is probably the most accurate onomatopoeia i've ever seen.

ill2 said...

the imagery is great but i think the placement of the words could be thought out a bit more. and im gonna agree with sam that that is the exact sound of jello molds.

Rebecca Bastian said...

FLORBLE must be done. No way around that.

ill2 said...

I think that you should make the image/text work together as well in all of them as it does in the ooze one. These are all wicked though. Excellent work. Fill that full page up with larger type. Work it into the composition.
